Dürer, Tod und Teufel – Willi Blöss comic-biography exhibit
20.03.2021 – 12.09.2021
Dürer, Tod und Teufel is an exhibit based on the eponymous publication by Aachen’s Willi Blöss, cartoonist and author of a comic-biography series.
Selecting key elements from the 32-page comic book depicting the life of the renowned Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer, Blöss reworked the material into large formats,
creating a walk-through comic. Self-contained cartoon canvases are presented on an ambient background.
An entire wall is dedicated to Dürer’s visit to Aachen in 1520 when the master created his famous drawing of the Aachen Cathedral and Katschhof as viewed from the town hall.
Projected on another wall is an animated depiction of how a drawing emerges.
A series of cartoon pages in vitrines playfully renders the most significant stages in Dürer’s life and work.
Visitors are also invited to test their knowledge on a computer terminal offering the Dürer Challenge.
Pontstr. 13
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 432 4910
Fax: +49 241 40 90 656
Di – So 10 – 17 Uhr
Einzelbesucher: 6€ / 3€ (ermäßigt)
Gruppen: 3€ p.P. (ab 8 Personen)
Eintritt in die jeweilige Dauerausstellung 6 Euro /erm. 3 Euro
Eintritt in Wechselausstellungen flexibel zwischen 7 und 15 Euro
Eintritt bis einschl. 21 Jahren frei
Die Museumscard „Six for Six“ (jeweils ein Eintritt in fünf Museen plus Rathaus / sechs Monate lang) ist für 14/10 Euro in allen Aachener Museen erhältlich, ebenso telefonisch zu bestellen unter +49 241 432-4922, -4923 oder -4925, sowie per E-Mail via kulturservice@mail.aachen.de