Discover the past, the present and the future of media

From event to news
Media need input, something that they can disseminate: an event that becomes news. This room illuminates the work of news agencies and journalists and provides an insight into the filtration processes a piece of news goes through. The main theme here is how the transmission of news has changed from the Stone Age to the present day. This is graphically visualised on a huge video wall.
In the connecting doorway to the next room, an exposed tie rod indicates a wooden beam ceiling that probably dates from the time the house was first built.

Media for the masses
The emergence and development of mass communication and its historical and social impact are presented in terms of the three established key media:  newspapers, radio and television. A specially printed newspaper provides information on the history of the press, there is a radio feature on the medium of radio, and a TV programme illustrates the history of television. And, of course, this discourse on media for the masses also takes interactive electronic media into full account.
Countless historical originals of newspapers round off the presentation.

Reading and writing
A large-format presentation takes you through the history of reading, from the oldest surviving clay tablets to newspapers on the mobile phone. There is a world map on which you can call up newspapers from (almost) every country in the world and explore the differences in reading behaviour. The exhibition also covers the history of writing and typeface.

Lies and truths
Manipulation of images and text is an ever-present feature of the world of media. You will learn that you can’t always trust your eyes and ears. The main focus is on the question of freedom of the press and of the media. Censorship was and still is one of the greatest threats to freedom. A selection of exhibits – newspapers that fell victim to censorship – leave a lasting impression. The work of the Press Council is profiled, and the exhibition also features documentation of the dangers involved in the work of reporters in war zones.

Insights – perspectives
An impression of the complex structures of the world of media: Holographic objects create a virtual reality that offers perspectives on aspects of our media future. In the “egg”, an enclosed presentation room, you can experience first-hand what media sensory overload means. A 3-D monitor maps the intricate web of interrelationships that define our media society. Several well-known representatives of the media voice their opinions on the future of the world of media, and provide food for thought for your own discussions. And, of course, you’re welcome to add your own comments.


Pontstr. 13
52062 Aachen
Tel. +49 241 432 4910

Route Description »

Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 5 pm


Single ticket: 5€ / 3€ (concessions)
Family: 10€
Groups: 3€/2€ pp (8 or more)

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