Honoré Daumier

The newly reopened International Newspaper Museum is proud to present
the exhibition “Newspapers in the Artistic Caricatures of Honoré
Daumier” from the German Newspaper Museum in Wadgassen. The exhibition
focuses on Daumier’s well known lithographs. Between 1831 and 1832, he
worked for the satirical journals  “La Caricature” and “Le Charivari”,
creating caricatures that achieved international renown. Daumier is
still considered to be the best known French caricaturist of the 19th
century. His life’s work comprises more than 4,000 lithographs and 1,000
wood engravings.

This exhibition presents a selection of works by Daumier on the subject
of newspapers and newspaper readers. The selection focuses on freedom of
the press and on everyday observations to do with newspapers. In his
caricatures, Daumier illustrates the difficult situation in which
freedom of the press found itself in the 19th century, with censorship
and stamp duty. The exhibition also throws light on the everyday
predicaments and problems of the newspaper business, e.g. the fight for
subscribers, the ever-increasing size of newspaper formats and the
various types of newspaper readers.


Pontstr. 13
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 432 4910
Fax: +49 241 40 90 656

Bis einschl. 21 J. EINTRITT FREI!

Anfahrt »

Di – So 10 – 17 Uhr


Einzelbesucher: 6€ / 3€ (ermäßigt)
Gruppen: 3€ p.P. (ab 8 Personen)

Eintritt in die jeweilige Dauerausstellung  6 Euro /erm. 3 Euro
Eintritt in Wechselausstellungen flexibel zwischen 7  und 15 Euro
Eintritt bis einschl. 21 Jahren frei

Die Museumscard „Six for Six“ (jeweils ein Eintritt in fünf Museen plus Rathaus / sechs Monate lang) ist für 14/10 Euro in allen Aachener Museen erhältlich, ebenso telefonisch zu bestellen unter +49 241 432-4922, -4923 oder -4925, sowie per E-Mail via kulturservice@mail.aachen.de

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